Call for Abstracts
Abstract Timeline
Submission Deadline: 2 September 2024, 12.00pm (SGT) - extended to 6 October 2024, 12.00pm (SGT)
*Abstracts received from 3 September 2024 will be accepted for Poster presentations only
*Abstracts received after deadline i.e. 6 October will not be considered.
Announcement of Results: 21 October 2024
Confirmation by Authors (through registration): 31 October 2024
Category Topics​
Amputation (Amputee Care)
Cancer Rehabilitation
Child to Adult Transition of Care
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
COVID-19 and Long COVID Rehabilitation
Critical Care Rehabilitation
Disaster Rehabilitation
General Rehabilitation
Geriatric Rehabilitation and Frailty
Health Services Research
Healthcare Innovation in Rehabilitation
HIV Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation models of Care and Service Development
Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine
Neurological Rehabilitation
Neuro-musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Pain and Musculoskeletal Medicine
Pandemic Rehabilitation
Paediatrics Rehabilitation
Professional and Specialty Development in Rehabilitation
Prosthetics and Orthotics
Quality Improvement in Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Robotics and Technology
Stroke Rehabilitation
Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Trauma Rehabilitation
Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
Submission Guidelines​
1. All application material must be submitted online by 2 September 2024, at 2359hrs (Singapore time) - extended to 6 October 2024, 2359hrs (Singapore time). All submitters and co-authors must be added prior to peer review and cannot be added post acceptance.
2. The submitting author should indicate the choice of oral and/or poster presentation.
3. Only the submitting author of the abstract will receive email notification of acceptance or rejection. It is the responsibility of the primary author to notify the co-authors of acceptance or rejection. Notifications will be sent via email by 21 October 2024.
4. All posters will be displayed in an electronic format.
5. Oral presentations will be conducted live during the course of the conference.
6. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to assign presentation times to suit program needs.
7. When preparing an abstract, authors are requested to abide by the following guidelines.
-Authors must identify in the title if the abstract is a case report. Example: Platypnoea Orthodeoxia Syndrome in a COVID-19 survivor: A Case Report
-Authors may not submit abstracts written in all CAPS.
-Authors must spell, in full, on first introduction of all acronyms or abbreviations used.
-All numbers should be presented in Arabic numeral form, including numbers from 1 to 10.
-Authors may not use tables, graphs, or figures in the abstract submission process.
-Authors may not list references in the abstract.
-Authors must not submit abstracts that constitute promotion of a product or service. All authors must provide a financial disclosure before submission proposals of research abstract or case report can be finalized.
-Only generic drug name(s) should be used.
8. All submissions will be subjected to independent peer review.
9. Primary/presenting authors must register for the conference to present their poster. No reimbursement or honoraria will be given for abstract or poster presentations.
10. The decision of the Abstract Review and Judging Committee will be final.​
Structured Format​
1. Research abstracts must include the following:
- Background and/or Objectives
- Design
- Setting
- Participants
- Interventions (If your study does not contain any interventions, then insert: “Interventions: not applicable.”)
- Main Outcome Measures
- Results
- Conclusions
2. Case reports must include the following:
- Case Diagnosis
- Case Description
- Assessment/Results
- Discussion (relevance)
- Conclusions
3. Abstracts are to be no more than 250 words (excluding title and author information).